
BlogImplementing behavioural modelling in a remote workplace

July 19, 20200

If you’re an organization you must have considered this question more than a few times. Training methods have been a point of concern for the organizations for a long time now. Several experiments and studies have been conducted to find ‘the one best way’ of training employees.

It is a proven psychological fact that the human brain is much more competent in learning things by seeing and experiencing them in practical tasks instead of theory. Humans tend to learn inevitably through social learning. This is the rationale behind why a large number of organizations are shifting towards behavior modelling for training their human capital.

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Behavior modelling is a component of social learning theory. It focuses on training employees by giving them hands-on experience on daily practical tasks by showing them standard model behavior. Behavior modelling is the act of showing people the right way of doing things while guiding them. 

Growup Group is proud of giving the best of a kind hands-on training to our independent consultants and interns. Our human capital is given training while implementing the applications of behavior modelling to create a competent and skilled workforce. The process of behavior modeling at our organization involves 4 steps.


  • Standard Modelling: The basic purpose of this step is to set a proper standard by showing them the model behavior. Our virtual assistants are made familiar with the correct way of doing tasks by providing them training through live videos. They are assigned individual trainers so that they can observe and follow their actions. 
  • Practice tasks: After observing the standard model of the workplace, the candidates are provided with simulated practice tasks. This helps trainees to gain practical knowledge of work requirements. 
  • Proper Feedback: Feedback is a very crucial part of the training. Frequent and right feedback is the key to achieving successful training outcomes. At Group, feedback is given after completion of every task by immediate supervisor/trainer. Regular  feedback sessions are conducted for personalized feedback. The constant supervision of the founders/managers also increases the efficiency of the feedback process.
  • Execution of work: After completion of the training cycle, these virtual assistants and independent consultants are encouraged to execute their acquired knowledge and practice in real work by outsourcing them to our clients.


This whole process of training while implementing behavior modeling in the organization can help the organization in creating a positive impact. Even though some people may argue that this model of training lacks on the theoretical front as it only focuses on giving the hands-on experience, the extent of advantages of behavior modeling outweighs the arguments. These advantages are:


  • Reduction in Errors

When employees learn from the actions of their supervisors and trainers, the possibility of confusion and lack of knowledge about procedures is far minimized as compared to learning theoretically. The experience is also provided with simulated tasks. This leads to a reduction in errors and increases productivity.


  • Cost Optimization

This process of training the workforce is comparatively cost-efficient than other methods like classroom training. It does not require any sort of separate set-up, the training can take place at the normal workplace. Candidates learn while working which reduces cost through the medium of time-saving.


  • Constant Monitoring 

The work of the candidates is monitored constantly by their supervisors. All the workforce is ultimately monitored by the founders at Growup. The frequent updates and feedback increase the morale of trainees to work effectively. They are given constant guidance to work and the scope of making mistakes is reduced. This enables trainees to understand the exact points of mistakes made by them.


  • Ethical Work Culture

The work ethics of supervisors is reflected in the employees. They take a cue from their trainer’s behavior and follow them. The behavior model of training provides employees with a standard of work ethics and they learn to follow them while working. 


  • Effective and Frequent Communication

Communication is the key to understanding the work culture of an organization. The frequent huddle calls, group meetings, online work-chat platforms, etc, help the workforce to feel a part of the team. Effective communication also increases their trust and sense of belongingness. This results in a better understanding between managers and the workforce.


The culture of the workplace is highly influenced by the social learning theory. The workforce is driven by their supervisors’ and managers’ behavior. This effect can be noticed in the form of work productivity and quality of work as well as their behavior. Implementing behavior modeling gives a clear idea and standard to become a part of the organization. After all, humans are the social creatures who are influenced by their society and environment in the most effective way.

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